07 Νοεμβρίου, 2019

3 new Church of Greece Metropolitans affirm vows before Greek president


Äéáâåâáßùóåéò ôùí íÝùí Ìçôñïðïëéôþí Öèéþôéäïò Óõìåþí, Êáëáâñýôùí êáé Áéãéáëåßáò Éåñþíõìïõ êáé ËÞìíïõ Éåñüèåïõ, ôçí ÐÝìðôç 7 Íïåìâñßïõ 2019. (EUROKINISSI/×ÑÇÓÔÏÓ ÌÐÏÍÇÓ)

Three newly elected Metropolitans of the Church of Greece on Thursday expressed their affirmation, before Greek President of the Republic Prokopis Pavlopoulos, to uphold the Holy Canons and the Laws of the State. The Archbishop of Athens and All Greece, His Beatitude Ieronymos, was also present during the affirmation ceremony at the presidential mansion.

The three new Metropolitans have assumed the thrones of the Metropolises of Fthiotida, Kalavryta and Aegialias, and finally, Limnos and Aghios Efstratios.








Photos: Christos Mponis – George Ferdis
