06 Μαΐου, 2020

Bulgaria Marks the Day of St.George the Victorious and Army Day


On 6th of May, Bulgaria celebrates the Day of Saint George the Victorious.

The public holiday is also known as Gergyovden and is one of the most celebrated name-days in the country.

St. George is the patron saint of shepherds and roasting a whole lamb is part of the tradition on this day.

6th of May is also the Day of Valour and the Bulgarian Army. It was made an official holiday with a decree of Knyaz Alexander of Bulgaria on 9th of January 1880. During the Communist regime the holiday was cancelled, but it was reinstated in 1993.

As part of the tradition, the Day of Valour is marked with the traditional military parade in Bulgaria’s capital Sofia. Sadly this year the traditional military parade won’t be held because of the coronavirus pandemic.


