23 Νοεμβρίου, 2018

Chapel of Holy Unmercenary Healers in the Military Hospital in Nis consecrated


In the year when the 140th anniversary of the existence and work of the Military Hospital in Nis and 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War is marked, and in the glory of the ancestors, founders of the Serbian medicine and all those who gave their lives for the liberty of the Homeland, members of the Military Hospital of Nis celebrated their patron Saint-day.

In the complex of the Military Hospital, there is a chapel of Holy Unmercenary Healers Cosmas and Damian, built in 1918 near Cele-Kula monument. The chapel was built in order to meet spiritual needs of patients and the staff of the Military Hospital, but in the course of the time it lost its function for which it had been originally built. Fortunately, it preserved its architectural appearance, regardless of a facility built up at the west side, and it fully fulfills its liturgical purpose. An important moment that gives the building a special significance is the proximity of the large and unique in the world historical monument of Cele-Kule, a symbol of national suffering and the patriotism of the liberators of Serbia.

The initiative for the return of the space to its original purpose was launched some ten years ago. After the establishment of a religious service in the Serbian Armed Forces in 2014, there was a need to equip liturgical spaces in all military units and institutions of the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces. The adaptation of the space was done with the donation of the Diocese of Nis and with its own financial means. Members of the Military Hospital of Nis and their friends and associates participated in equipping the space. The iconostasis was made by the inmates of the Penitentiary institution in Nis.

His Grace Bishop Arsenije of Nis, with military chaplains and the clergy of the city of Nis, performed the small rite of consecration of the church, the Holy Liturgy and blessed the slava gifts. Herewith they marked the second Patron Saint-day of the Military Hospital of Nis in the presence of Colonel Dr. Jovica Stanojkovic and members of professional staff of the hospital and civilians.

By the decision of the Ministry of Defense on choosing patrons saint-days and saint-days of the commands, units and institutions of the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense, Saints Cosmas and Damian – The Unmercenary Healers s were chosen (November 14th) as the Patron Saint-Day of the Military Hospital of Nis

Source: Diocese of Nis (translation by Information Service of the SOC)
