27 Απριλίου, 2021

Clerics Association of Greece conveys complaints over earlier Resurrection service on Holy Saturday


The Association of Clerics of Greece has sent a letter to the Archbishop of Athens and All Greece, His Beatitude Ieronymos, as well as to hierarchs serving on the Church of Greece’s Holy Synod, citing complaints by the faithful over the fact that this year’s Resurrection Service, on Holy Saturday, will be conducted earlier than the usual midnight hour.

Conversely, in a press release, the Holy Metropolis of Edessa in northern Greece, refers directly to the change in the time that this year’s Resurrection service will be celebrated.

The Metropolis reminds that the evening hour commences when the sun has set, and not exclusively at midnight, stressing that a recent decision by the Holy Synod of the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Greece, temporarily changing the hour of the splendorous service from roughly midnight to 9 in the evening “…does not contravene the ancient tradition of our Church”.

The earlier time for the Resurrection service was approved by the Church of Greece in order to reduce exposure to the Covid-19 virus amongst the attending Church-goers.
