05 Δεκεμβρίου, 2019

Elpidophoros issues encyclical ahead of Feast Day of St. Nicholas


The Archbishop of America, His Eminence Elpidophoros, this week issued an encyclical for Friday’s Feast Day of St. Nicholas the Wonder-worker.

Elpidophoros, in part, notes that ” …The name of St. Nicholas brings joy to people around the world as nearly a synonym for love and generosity. Even more does his name evoke reverence and delight among Orthodox Christians, who know the wondrous deeds God worked through His servant….In connection with the National Shrine at the World Trade Center, however, the mention of St. Nicholas has come to evoke the opposite feelings. A name that should be associated with holiness, peace, and prayer is instead linked with debt, corruption, and mismanagement. Angry voices have been raised against clergy and laity alike, without regard for involvement or responsibility.

Some think that the priests and bishops are obliged to find money to complete the Shrine. The clergy, however, are not trained to be fundraisers or bankers. Their attention should be prayer and the ministry of God’s word,” he said, citing Acts 6:4.
