16 Μαρτίου, 2022

His Grace Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis Blessing and opening the Community Centre of Hobsons Bay


On the land surrounding the Church at North Altona, a new hall has been built. After the Vespers on Sunday 13th March, His Grace was welcomed into this new hall by Fr Dimitri Catrinei and the President of the Community of North Altona Mr. Christos Dimitriou along with members of the Committee and the Philoptochos.

As this was the first time that the hall had been used, Fr Dimitri requested that His Grace perform a blessing (αγιασμός). Many faithful joined in this joyous event, which was followed by a lovingly prepared dinner.

His Grace thanked Fr Catrinei and Mr Dimitriou for their hospitality and conveyed to all the blessings of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia.

