27 Απριλίου, 2021

Holy Tuesday today across Orthodoxy


Today is Holy Tuesday, whereby the Church celebrates the Matins service of the Bridegroom.

Today we bring to mind the parable of the 10 virgins, which the Lord and Savior related as He was coming to His Passion.

This parable teaches the faithful that the accomplishment of the great work of virginity should not make us careless in other matters, especially in charity.

Furthermore, the parable teaches the faithful that no one should be remiss about the end of one’s life, but should be prepared for it at every moment — like the five wise virgins — so that each individual may meet the Bridegroom, lest He come suddenly and the doors of the heavenly bride-chamber be shut, according to the Gospel of Matthew.

In the evening, the Orthros service will hear the chanting of the Troparion of St. Kassiani. Troparion in the Orthodox Church is a short hymn of one or a series of stanzas.
