21/05/2024 21/05/2024 With the prayerful participation of Patriarch Porfirije of Serbia and the bishops assembled at the Holy Council of the Serbian Orthodox Church, on Saturday, 18 May 2024, Bishop Aleksei of Hvostan conducted a memorial service. This service honoured all the founders and benefactors of the covenant Church of the Serbian people, dedicated to Saint Sava,...
21 Μαΐου, 2024 - 15:00

Patriarch of Serbia joined memorial service at Saint Sava Church in Vračar

Patriarch of Serbia joined memorial service at Saint Sava Church in Vračar

With the prayerful participation of Patriarch Porfirije of Serbia and the bishops assembled at the Holy Council of the Serbian Orthodox Church, on Saturday, 18 May 2024, Bishop Aleksei of Hvostan conducted a memorial service.

This service honoured all the founders and benefactors of the covenant Church of the Serbian people, dedicated to Saint Sava, the first Serbian Archbishop, who have fallen asleep in the Lord in Vračar.

spc.rs https://vema.com.au/patriarch-of-serbia-joined-memorial-service-at-saint-sava-church-in-vracar/

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