03/03/2021 03/03/2021 The newly enthroned Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church, His Holiness Porfirije , this week again revisited the issue of the province of Kosovo and Metohija, stressing that there’s no doubt that the latter is part of Serbia. “This not only the cradle of our people, but an ark filled with holy relics of our...
03 Μαρτίου, 2021 - 15:11

Serbian Patriarch Porfirije: There’s no doubt Kosovo is part of Serbia

Serbian Patriarch Porfirije: There’s no doubt Kosovo is part of Serbia

The newly enthroned Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church, His Holiness Porfirije , this week again revisited the issue of the province of Kosovo and Metohija, stressing that there’s no doubt that the latter is part of Serbia.

“This not only the cradle of our people, but an ark filled with holy relics of our saints,” His Holiness said in a television interview.

He added: “Kosovo is not only a geopolitical issue, but a matter of our identity…No one, with a patriotic attitude, can believe that Kosovo is not part of Serbia.”


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